ओछ्यानमा, प्याड, बोरा, ओछ्यान, तल्ला, विमान, तल, आधार, सतह, खाट, शय्या, सोफा, गद्दा, तकिया, सिंहासन, पत्र, टियर, सिउनी, भ्क्याल, तन्ना, गलैँचा, सीटें, गाद, तलछट, सीट, खामोशी, बाँकी, रजाई, मा बारी, लजको, मूल, प्रत्यारोपण, सेट, सुरु गर्नु, थाल्नु
Fuck me. I’ m not going to sleepin the same BED with you
You know, it's still a couple of hours until my BED time.
You can jump on your BED. Play with your toys.
He has a car which is just scrap,and sleeps in a bunk BED